Where to get/buy characters' sprites for scrolling beat em up game?

Where to get/buy characters' sprites for scrolling beat em up game?

I cost a month find in very many website ( opengameart;craftpix.net; itch.io; unity;...) to find characters/ enemies' spirtes for my 2d Scrolling beat em up game.


However, no matter these sprites is free or sale, I don't know why but I found very very few of them.


Not only that, almost of these script is Chibi version or 8-bit version.


This is list of Sprites I founded until now. Almost of them from craftpix:








Serious, anyone know some website where I can find or buy Sprites for 2d scrolling beat em up? I'm now lack very very much sprites for main characters ( male-female knights, warriors;....).


If anyone know about it, please tell me. Thank you.