yoyo games
yoyo games
OK just a bit of a rant!!
I was dusting off my game maker version of 8.1in hopes of working on the new up coming game jam.
if I finish or not thats not the issue, I hardly ever finish ( I call it the artist curse ) but I know the reason, I get to the point of finishing and I'm not happy with the results, or I get board because I know I can finish and its no longer a challenge.
But the reason for the rant is yoyo will no longer validate my CD key for gm 8.1 I paid for gm 8.1and it was put out by yoyo despite me being told repetitiously that its a softwrap product is the link a lie
Are they no longer supporting like it stated wow bad practice yoyo
I know what a few will say game maker studio is better. But that's besides the point I really like game make 8.1 and I should get what I paid for.
Always made me mad when I would use gm and had to validate my version anyway just one time saved to my files and be done with it.
If there not going to support it any more just let it go and let the customer be happy seems like a no brainer to me.
Any way thanks for letting me vint
I may try to take legal action if I can seem like a breach in contract just don't know if the statute of limitations apply here.
Ive had Unity take my pro license away back when they switched to a subscription service. Just recently autodesk took my licenses for Maya, Mudbox, and 3DS Max 2015 suite. Its just something these companies do and honestly its why a lot of people turn to piracy and cracked versions of their software rather than dealing with cloud sub services. I still run Adobe CS6 simply because I know the creative cloud service is a ripoff.
You can probably use love2d or godot.
Thanks IllusionOfMana that helps take the sting out quite a bit, should probably count myself lucky !!
funny you should have Mentioned adobe and hacking.
I have the cs2 version that a disgruntled or free thinking employee from adobe posted awile back for free
there was like 12 different versions of assets free to download and I grabbed cs2 thinking it was a scam, it was the only one I
Managed to download, been kinking my self for long time now because there was better things I could have downloaded.ButI'm still happy.
They were all where legit!!! They shut it down like the same day but alot of stuff was out and for free. That person will always be a hero to me and I'm sure a lot of others as well, I use it almost every day
I use all most all free software in every thing I work on animator, blender, sculptris, pixalogic <---- will probably kill this next.
Striped down version of zbrush isn't even aprochable. Especially for a kid thats an artist, let alone a starving arts to purchase I
always stateded that they should give away a free version in the schools to the kids if nothing else. inspirational for them and
maybe even future customers just seem like a good business practice.
But a lass the days where the customers always right is long gone.
Nice to post here on OGA because its what the sites about.
Thanks Mold for the links.....
I may try to use unity for now or I'll just have to eat it and go with gmstudio to much solid work just to throw away.
I was almost done with my 404 lost site game
Yeah they only released the CS2 series and all other software released at the same timeframe as CS2. Which it was end of life anyways and adobe wasnt going to make money on it. I bought a CS6 key a long tima ago for cheap when the cloud transition was happening which was lucky since those keys had skyrocketed in price soon after. CS6 is still a viable option in my opinion and well rounded minus some caching issues mainly with photoshop.
I know Autodesk does give away student versions and doesnt ask for much besides you to create an account though anything you make in their 3D applications have meta data saying its from a "not for profit" version of the software that pops up every time you open the project file unless you save it as a .fbx or .obj
In fact one of my friends from college animation is going into a pixar internship still cranking out and even selling things from his student version of maya. The licenses are just too expensive now for how common use these software kits are becomming.
GMS isnt as bad as the rest but they shouldnt have invalidated your key. Unity in my opinion is a real monster of an organization and they do a lot of trash business behind the scenes to try and steal from small developers. I strongly encourage using things like godot instead.
I used Autodesk Maya for 3D animation and Modeling as well as Mudbox for sculpting and theyre amazing just their price is unjustifiable today and its pointless if 5 years down the line theyre going to revoke your license simply because its shifting your release to End Of Life status.