yoyo games

yoyo games

AnthonyMyers's picture

OK just a bit of a rant!!

I was dusting off my game maker version of 8.1in hopes of working on the new up coming game jam.

if I finish or not thats not the issue,  I hardly ever finish ( I call it the artist curse ) but I know the reason, I get to the point of finishing and I'm not happy with the results,  or I get board because I know I can finish and its no longer a challenge.

But the reason for the rant is yoyo will no longer validate my CD key for gm 8.1 I paid for gm 8.1and it was put out by yoyo despite me being told repetitiously that its a softwrap product is the link a lie 


Are they no longer supporting like it stated wow bad practice yoyo

I know what a few will say game maker studio is better. But that's besides the point I really like game make 8.1 and I should get what I paid for.

Always made me mad when I would use gm and had to validate my version anyway just one time saved to my files and be done with it.

If there not going to support it any more just let it go and let the customer be happy seems like a no brainer to me.

Any way thanks for letting me vint

I may try to take legal action if I can seem like a breach in contract just don't know if the statute of limitations apply here.