Sunday, July 1, 2012 - 09:35
I've never dealt with licenses before. Is there a single GPL one that I need to include in the base directory of my GIT repository? All my 3rd part libraries are distributed with ZLIB. Do I need to have GPL3 and zlib default license files included?
I can't say what's actually required, but since the library authors were awesome enough to release with such a liberal license you generally can't go wrong as long as you make an honest effort to try to credit them. Here's what I've seen:
- A copy of the GPL in its own file at the top level of the source tree.
- Copyright and GPL notices at the top of each source file that you write.
- Note in the readme what zlib libraries you used, who authored them, and provide a link to each one.
- Any libraries go in a separate directory in your source tree, and when possible leave them exactly as you obtained them (i.e. leave their readme or license files in there).
- If you make any changes to the library, be sure to make that as obvious as possible, maybe a note in the top level readme and the library readme, or maybe even a separate text file in the library folder.
If you want to release your code under the GPL, you'd generally include a copy of the GPL under then name 'COPYING' and add a small note at the beginning of all your source files. For zlib/libpng licensed code, you don't really need a separate license file, because the complete license usually is distributed at the beginning of each source file.
But all of the above is just a formality, anyway. You can just put a file up somewhere and say "this is released under GPLv3 as published by the Free Software Foundation", and that's enough, legally speaking.
the FSF actually has a very nice pag about how to do this:
I recommend following its recommendations :)