Slowly getting somewhere, learning opengl and ocaml along the way.

Slowly getting somewhere, learning opengl and ocaml along the way.

Slowly getting somewhere.  RL is really interfereing.  But I do expect to end up with something that runs.  I'm trying to use the 2D tiles fron the art contest to build a 3D view, maybe even an algorithmically generated one.  I'm not (yet, anyway) using the landscape generator I posted here before; it's more or less incompatible with the lanscape tiles from the pixel art contest. From time to time I'll post source code at

There's a screenshot there, too.  Using 3D seems to make the nice little walk-around-on-them tiles look like a huge landscape seen from an airplane.  Interesting.  Interesting.  When I plant some trees, are they going to give me a sense of scale, or will they just look weird?

Or you can acquire the bleeding edge using the monotone revision control system by

mtn clone mtn:// wander

To compile it, you'll also need the glMlite library, which has a tutorial with links here:

It's not yet in Debian becasue of technical packaging issues.  When you compile it, you'll have good results if you make and install everything.  I don't *need* everything, but it got difficult figuring out just what I *did* need.

-- hendrik