Suggestion: autoplay music when clicking an individual track.

Suggestion: autoplay music when clicking an individual track.

Joth's picture

I can't afford to host my own website right now. The advantage of me giving away music for free on OGA is that I can use this site as a portfolio. Since Soundcloud completely guts audio quality, this site is decent enough and will upload your track as is, without applying AI driven processing etc. to my knowledge. While there are a lot of people who upload work out of the kindness of their heart to help devs, some are trying to use this as a platform to boost their brand in addition to providing a service to game devs who may just be starting out or can't afford hiring a freelancer.

As a musician trying to do the social media hustle, it is impossible to get anyone to click on anything. So if it takes 2 clicks and it's an unfamiliar website (no offense, but no one has heard of OGA who isn't already a member) you are looking at an almost impossible endeavor to get strangers to click the link I posted, THEN click the play button. If it autoplayed it would get rid of some of that. My suggestion would be to turn on autoplay by default for people who don't have an account (aka most people who would be visiting from an external website) but have an option to uncheck it for members. I know this sounds trivial but it's not, people's attention span these days is about 4 seconds if they don't hear something they like. Getting people to care about your art in an environment where artists are so oversaturated is REALLY hard. With Twitter updating their Retweet policy so you have to click an additional time to access the retweeted content, it's even harder now.

I know this site is mainly focused on visual art but I'm just trying to figure out how it can be used to work for audio artists, who are at a RIDICULOUSLY bigger disadvantage compared to visual artists, since a piece of art can be seen by a viewer and judged whether it's good or not based on looking for 10 seconds, whereas music is temporal and people are usually looking for any reason to stop listening because they have things to do.

I've given a lot to this site over the years, though I admit I've been uploading less since I haven't gotten much attention from it. It would be nice if this site could give a little more back to its contributors. I'm not sure how the administrative side of things are going right now, but if there is any capacity to make this change I would be incredibly grateful.

End rant.