Liberated Pixel Cup art winners announced!
Liberated Pixel Cup art winners announced!
Hello all! It's been a long time in coming (longer than it should have been!) but the art judging is in. We're floored by the quality (and quantity!) of submissions, and choosing winners wasn't easy for our judges. There's a bit we'd like to say on that below, but that said, we know what you're all waiting for, which is to hear the results! So let's get straight to that first, shall we?
The winners
Grand prize
At 89.6 points, the grand prize of $1500 USD goes to Daniel Eddeland for his entry "Farming tilesets, magic animations, and UI elements"!
This is a wonderful set, agreed upon by judges as providing a lot of cool things, especially in the farming set and magic elements and how these extended the range of things possible. Congratulations, Daniel!
Individual entry winner #1
The next winner in the "individual entry" prize of $500 USD (of which there are two slots), at 88.8 points, is Casper Nilsson's entry (simply labeled "LPC C. Nilsson"). Despite the humble name, there is a lot of cool stuff here, including an asian theme, day and night cycle tiles, a harbor set, a victorian house, a few animals, and even quite a bit more! Congratulations, Casper!
Individual entry winner #2
The next winner is for the second "individual entry" slot for $500 USD. At 84.6 points, congratulations to Johannes Sjölund for the entry "Character animations, clothes, armor, weapons, skeleton enemy, combat dummy"! Once again we have here an entry with plenty of wonderful variety. This set adds quite a few new character designs which can be dropped in and used directly in a game, as well as several new types of animations, and even (as the title suggests), a combat dummy! Congratulations Johannes!
Some comments on judging
And now for a bit of commentary on the contest and judging.
First of all, it wasn't easy to pick winners! We had no idea just how many high quality entries we would be getting. It has been wonderful to see that the dream that artists can collaborate on a shared set of resources could come true, and that so many people met the call!
And also, a note on scoring: the approach we took is a bit different than what you might see for example in many schools. We set "average" scores to be at about 50... so keep that in mind! Even many of the entries that appear to be lower in scores are actually really high quality entries... most of the entries submitted to LPC were well above what we expected!
We'd also like to speak to the time taken to deliver judging. We know many of you would have liked to see judging results sooner; as would we! Unfortunately there were several serious delays; first of all, there were some major disruptions to Bart and I's lives on a personal level that slowed things from getting off the ground. Second, the sheer number of entries we got (and the quality of entries too!) was much, much higher than we anticipated. This was also harder on our judges; several of them had thought they had committed to a much lighter set of things to judge, so resolving this took some time.
And on that note, code winners have yet to be announced still! We are hoping that in approximately one month we will have these announced, but can't say for sure yet. Stay tuned!
Congratulations again to the winners, and thank you all who participated!