Boxy Bold - TrueType Font
Boxy Bold - TrueType Font
Sunday, July 28, 2013 - 17:02
Art Type:
This is a TrueType font file. The included image file is the image I used to hand-craft this font. I've chosen to license this as Public Domain because the previous two people who handled this work did the same. Any attribution should go to Clint Bellanger for the original work found here:
And the altered version by cemkalyoncu found here:
usr_share was kind enough to add lowercase letters, found here:
Attribution Instructions:
Not required, but you may optionally give credit to Clint Bellanger by listing his name with the other attribution/credits list of your project. Alternatively, you can link to this page or his home page:
* NOTE *
You can credit cemkalyoncu, william.thompsonj, and usr_share too if you're feeling generous.

I saw usr_share just introduced lowercase glyphs: in case you want to include them!
Nice work by the way, I have no idea how to create TTFs but I'll really put this to use.
I've added proper lowercase letters to the font. If you want to use it you're welcome to download the latest version that includes nicely blocky lowercase letters.
Made the letters bigger because they were super small for some reason. Only thing that changedis the file I added up top.
Anyone use this in Photoshop? When I use it in Photoshop it is turning the White "inner part" transparent.
I am manually having to rasterize it and fill it in. Anyone know what is going on? CS6.
Not sure how to make a ttf retain the white inside the letters. It's intended to be used on a white background because normal ttf type fonts only contain a single color and the rest is transparent.
Argh! Is there a non-pixelated image of this font? I'm using Aseprite and all of the fonts look all blurry when I use them in the sprite. Does anyone know how to fix this??