Browser based RPG game of sorts
Browser based RPG game of sorts
Hi everyone!
I ran into this site while looking for some free art to use on a browser game I am creating. I am currently working on it, but not sure how far I will get, but I guess I will keep creating new content as long as I have the time and motivation.
Thought I may as well share it here since I benefit from content I got from the site, and hopefully get some feedback/ideas on how to more on.
Here you go:
Hope you enjoy it!
BUG: after 3rd fight a definatly-out-of-level monster appeared and killed the hero. After this the gold started accumulaing infinitely and everything hung up :) And no way to restart :)
That is supposed to be the final boss which you will face later on in the story, I guess I should add some scripting to introduce the plot :p
That's strange, what browser do you use? It is working fine for me on IE and firefox, and you should see a button to get back home after that fight. see below
Have a look at my browser based RPG:
Browser: Iceweasel (=Firefox). Still no luck at restarting even after computer reset :) Seems to be server-stored or a cookie. The counter still increases gold since after pressing 'get back home'. Cookies reset did good.
And here we have it again after about 10 fights. With infinitely accumulating gold. 'Get back home' button clears the enemy, but does not stop gold accumulation and the game cannot continue/reset.
I will check that browser later on, see if I face the same problem myself.
You are right, the game uses cookies to store the data, so you can resume the play afterwards. On the other hand, that is the expected behaviour, you obtain an item that grants you gold before getting your ass kicked by the boss on the first stage. Are you able to use the action buttons below to view the inventory/go on a quest etc?
Have a look at my browser based RPG:
Cool stuff. I like how you are using only native web technologies.
There seems to be many web developers, and many game developers, but so few web game developers that are using modern stuff (sorry Flash).
Have you tried Phaser for making games?
Stay a while and listen.
Kinda reminds me of Rabitoshi or Dream World.
Thanks for the feedback. This is the first time I try to develop a browser game, and to be honest, I kind of started working on it out of curiosity, mostly for learnign purposes. I have not checked Phaser, I will have a look at it, seems like a handy tool.
@ CodeAndReload
Never played those games. If I had to name one, probably the idea came from candy box, but my idea was more in the line of creating an rpg game and integrate different, and hopefully challenging, fighting mechanics
Have a look at my browser based RPG:
It's been a while since I last posted this, and a lot of changes have taken place, and new features are available on the game. Though I may share it with you again.
Of course, any comments will be most welcome. I would like to focus on making the game more engaging for the user that just began playing, so if you have any ideas please let me know =)
Have a look at my browser based RPG:
I like it. It's clean and just focuses on the RPG core.
I'm wondering why you didn't tune this a bit for tablets/mobiles? I see you are already using bootstrap and the GUI is simple enough.
Here are my thoughts after playing this for the first time:
As i understood it, i'm supposed to use the idylic beach to level up until i am strong enough to fight the swamp dragon. Right? That's the gist of the first few minutes.. maybe i missed something.
What I had trouble with was: finding the map and realizing that this is how I go on quests! And generally how I drive the game forward. Maybe highlight the map icon or make the map choices always visible while player is at home? The same goes for the "continue" and "fight" buttons. Maybe highlight them when they are active (slow glow or something else visually)
Random detail: why do you clear the battle log after each fight? I would love to read through the log before hitting continue :) currently, it's hard to know how difficult the monsters are because you won't see their stats except during combat.
I see there are a lot of items in the game: i think you should drop at least one maybe even two items in the first level. Just so the player knows items are in the game. Lots of people will play it for only 30sec and you should make those the best. Even if later in the game the items drop super rarely.
ps.: checkout localStorage. cookies suck :)
So it's Progress Quest meets A.V.G.M., I see.
@smonos Thanks a lot for the feedback. Adding some drops on the first stage should engage new players. I will work on making it more intuitive, so I will def take in consideration what you mentioned. As for the log, cleaning it after each "round" so to speak, seemed the easiest way to keep the interface clean. Before I did that the screen got bloated with text and the interface was messed up.
And yes, you got it right, but it should be faster to jump straight into the swapm since you gain more experience by defeating mobs there.
Actually, there are different fight mechanics on different stages as you progress (there are clicker stages, key pressing stages...) I tried to keep it original and dynamic by adding new stuff in each stage, but that on the other hand means that it will not work on mobile devices.
TBH I found about bootstrap where the game was already half the way where it is now. Same for web storage. I am actually using it now, but I am keeping cookie support until I decide to get rid of it completely. You see, this started as "hey got some spare time, gonna try new stuff and learn a bit" and I just kept tossing new things and replacing old features with new ones while I learned about them.
@johndh never actually played those!
Have a look at my browser based RPG:
In that case, I guess I should explain. Progress Quest is a deconstruction of the so-called RPG genre, distilled down to a generic introduction and then repeated grind that is so monotonous that it literally plays itself -- whatever character you play as, equipment you have, or spells you learn, it's all the same grind. AVGM is a "game" where you click on a light switch over and over to get rewards, which are just props that you can move around, as a deconstruction of those "click on the thing a bunch of times to get a fictitious prize" Facebook games like FarmVille. This game you've made is basically a fusion of those two concepts: click to grind until you die, then repeat until boredom or carpal tunnel syndrome kicks in. It's everything that is wrong with so-called RPGs. On the positive side, if this is just a project you've done to learn how to code, or a fun little proof-of-concept experiment, then congrats on learning a new skill.
@johndh that came across a little belittling towards this game here.
i think this game here isn't *that* easy. it's rather bare bone but has lots of choices.
Another game similar to the one john mentions is probably the infamous cookie clicker:
Hmmm! It's much better in firefox :) But clicking that many times makes my hands hurt :)
* You can't spend 25 gold if you have 25 gold, only when you have 25+1, chek the condition to be not ">0" but ">=0".
* Seems that bying a health boost for 25 gold if you have 51 gold results in 1 gold left (double payment).
@smonos Yep, I have indeed played cookie clicker. But I wanted to make a game in which you could do something more that just clicking, and mostly, I wanted to combine different mechanics to make it less monotonous (clicking, key pressing, key sequences...)
Thanks for the feedback. I have fixed the first issue, but I have not been able to figure out why the double payment you mention. I will look into it some more, see if I can find out what the problem is
Have a look at my browser based RPG: