Jungle2.mp3, and other assets Massive Rpg Game I'm doing (Work in progress).
Jungle2.mp3, and other assets Massive Rpg Game I'm doing (Work in progress).
Wednesday, January 7, 2015 - 13:51
Art Type:

This is the Music file that I made for my RPG game, called
Jungle2.mid, backgrond music for the Jungle Region.
It's a very weird unusual piece of music. its a bit long. is loose in places,
it just twists all over the place. and the file size is a little bit big.
I had to make my own music. So I've uploaded some of my tunes
there are different styles.

Welcome to OGA! I just thought I'd clear up some confusion about your choice of licenses.
It is common practice to dual-license something as "public domain" and something else for jurisdictions that don't recognize the public domain. However, CC0 is in fact a software license, so an additional license is unnecessary. It may actually add confusion, since it is unclear whether you require credit (CC-BY) or not (CC0). If you do require credit, instructions for giving credit might be helpful, and the CC0 license should be removed. If not, the CC-BY license should be removed.
Thanks for playing the copyright game.
Ok since you seem to know all about it. so what's the story going on with Wika.com.
Wika.com has got 274 images of commercial game art on its site lited under the link Public Domain, saying that these images or artwork have been all released now into the public domain and that this applies worlwide, and there's alot of great stuff here.
So Is that true? that anyone can now use these images?
"leading in temperature, pressure and level management"
I doubt wika.com is the site you had in mind.
In any case, if the notices are legit then the assets are indeed CC0, otherwise you need to refer to the specific license. "Commercial" doesn't sound like CC-BY, unless by "commercial" you mean "commercial use allowed".
Also, if credit is required, it is important to credit the right person. If you, Tozan, didn't make these, and the person who did requires credit, then that should be mentioned.
Also, if you didn't make these and the creator requires credit, simply labeling them CC-BY with no further information does no good as the right person would not be credited.
It was interesting to see most of the free art pic assets in the public domain on Wikia.com were from two commercial games God of War and Darksiders II. and I know that THQ went bust so it could be public domain as Wika.com says.......and I also found a few other games also had the same notices but its on very few of their pictures. So maybe those notices are legit because its not a whole load of them.
I changed it to CCO hopefully that resolves it. And I did create the orchestra strings piece jungle2.mp3 to suit my weird strange rpg game, i did the music especially for the game. I will mention just one restriction, my tunes are free for people to use or build upon for non adult purposes only. I don't want my tunes used in pornographic material.
A strange stipulation which may not be enforceable, yet is nonetheless acceptable.
What about the other tunes? Are you saying you got them off of wikia.com? If they're from a game like God of War, you have to be absolutely sure they're public domain. This is dangerous territory to tread. What if somebody used one of the songs which happened to be proprietary? That would taint the material it's used in until the song is removed. It may not be discovered for years, but then all of a sudden it would have to be pulled from the market.
The music tunes I uploaded are my own creations, they are not from wika.com. I made the music specifically for the type of rpg game I was doing.
My concern however was about some of the game artwork being released into the public domain on wika.com but for all I know it could be a bunch of naughty little kids on uploading copyright material and putting public domain notices on it.
So I don't really know if the notices are legit or not.
Glad to hear about the music. You might consider uploading a preview file (whichever song you consider the best) so that you have a play icon instead of a game screenshot and people can listen to it.
Regarding the stuff on Wikia, I'd say that if it's a big game you recognize like God of War, regardless of whether or not the company is defunct, somebody owns the distribution rights and thus the copyright is still there. Probably just some kids playing some very funny tricks.
Well I ran into into an '1 is unexpected error' when trying to get into the worldgates screen to warp into the game regions and not been able to get rid of it (yet).
This one little error is crashing parts of the code in the game. So I can't use the worldgate menu to warp directly into the start region until this error gets resolved but I don't know how to fix it.... I can still run parts of the game, but its now unstable because this error is jumping around all over the code.
Some of the visual assets in the preview are from the Hero Machine, a classic fantasy dressup app. Not PD.
Ok, I've adjusted things now, its been removed.