PD Glossy Icon Buttons
PD Glossy Icon Buttons
Saturday, June 19, 2010 - 08:16
Art Type:
This is a collection of the best glossy buttons i could gather from The Open Clip Art Library.
I collected them in high res .png as would be appropriate for building UI elements for a game.
.svg versions are available of any of them are available at openclipart.org.

Good job (even though I find most glossy icons in existence to be over-glossed ;) ). You wouldn't happen to have a list of all included icons or their authors' names? :)
Not a requirement really, I only think that when stating source and giving full attribution is possible for pd art, then why not. :)
The icon names contain the author names, so it can be known who made each of them. They are named: AuthorName_Icon_Name.png
The Author corresponds to the user on openClipArt
However, about half are Anonymous, unfortunately. The ones that begin with media_ are from the [url=http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Desktop_Project]Tango Icon set[/url].
(you can see the names by doing right click > view image on the additional preview image)
Thanks for the info! I should have checked the files.
The way additional previews are handled here is kind of strange :)
Thanks for this amazing pack man. :)