Map editor / Weapon handling config
Map editor / Weapon handling config
Sunday, June 7, 2015 - 03:09
Hello. I would like to create my mod with modern/post-apo setting. FLARE engine seem perfect for this purpose as for me. However, I've occured two issues. The only map editor which is avaible is in python raw file and I can't compile it on my windows PC. Is it possible to make executable version of map editor for public? Also, can you give me some advice how to edit bow weapon, to increase it's amount of bullets and make range weapons "reloadable" with cap containing some amount of bullets.
For editing maps in the latest versions of Flare, we use Tiled. Tiled is capable of exporting to Flare's map format. Take a look at the tiled directory in the flare-game Github repo to get an idea of how we use Tiled.
Can you clarify what you mean by "increase it's amount of bullets"? Does that mean firing more than one bullet at the same time? Or does it mean increasing the rate of fire? If it's the former, try playing with the "count" and "angle_variance" variables in the item definitions file. If it's the latter, the bow fires as fast as the player's shoot animation. So it might make sense to make the shoot animation very short (possibly a single frame) and use the "cooldown" variable in the Shoot power definition to slow it down if needed.
Reloadable weapons aren't really possible with the current engine state, but it is possible to have ammo. In the power definition for Shoot, use the "requires_item" property to consume another item.
Take a look at the Attribute Reference wiki page to get an overview of all the possible variables for the various Flare data files.