Are Mini-Games ok to use in Story-lIne Dialog Games
Are Mini-Games ok to use in Story-lIne Dialog Games
I have about 4 main mini games so far in my rpg sci fi combat story line Dialog game.
Mini Game 1. 4,000 Rogue Droids to get rid of on the space station
Mini Game 2: 1 Million Rats down in the Sewer, (must have high health levels to survive this mini game)
Mini Game 3: Underhounds Protections Gang 15 Criminal thugs to have to get through. (Firefight mini game)
Mini Game 4: Bears in the Forest. Go the wrong way and Bears threaten to puncture the tyres of your jeep.
How many of these mini games should we put in a story line driven game? They don't necesarily detract from the storyline because I included Diaglog also in the mini games while you are busy blasting through all the waves. But for the Mini Games themselves, I might just have audio dialog instead of text dialog. so you can do combat and speak at the same time.
Have you published your Rpg already?
No, the game has not been published, Its in script only form at the moment. But some audio files have already been done and these were done after I decided that the storyline was ok. So before I even consider getting other people to voice act my characters, The storyline has to be ok first, so I use the computer voice to test the storyline out for me..
Comander Axel Main game character: 205 files, Dr. Thompson 12 files, Loana Shields, (Biotic Genetic Research Scientist) 59 files), Superior Officer Skar of Central (12 files), Skinar Ship Pilot (162 files), Storm Main Sidekick (207 files). Some games only assign only 1-2 speechs file for an pawn to speak with. so they go off into a broken endless record, whether its a main character in the game or not, they shouldn't be stuck in broken records. I'm only focusing on getting the main game character voice files done before I consier the lesser characters of the game, because I'm only concerned with the main storyline characters at the moment.
But my question is WHY are these actor pawns in these big title games of today still getting stuck in these endless loops? What' going on with their A.I routines? , is it because their A.I routines has been coded that way so that when they run out of words to speak in their dialog script they just go off into an endless loop saying the same thing in their script line over and over?
Well I don't want any of my game pawns to be doing that.
> But my question is WHY are these actor pawns in these big title games of today still getting stuck in these endless loops? What' going on with their A.I routines? , is it because their A.I routines has been coded that way so that when they run out of words to speak in their dialog script they just go off into an endless loop saying the same thing in their script line over and over?
Well, I know this is offtopic, but the answer is twofold; 1) Voice actors cost a lot of money, so usually unless it's a narrative based game, speech will be cut for major characters, and nearly always cut down for minor characters. Heck, even in narrative driven games like RPGs this happens, because the dev teams often deem it more worthwhile to work on the main story, or on the graphics and music. 2) Well, that comes from technological limits, mainly not being able to create more voice clips than were recorded (we just don't have a good way to synthesize realistic voices and we only have primitive ways of procedurally generating logical speech, as our AI is still primitive). No matter how many voice clips you have, this is unavoidable, as even if you record, say 100 different voice clips (which is ludicrisly high for just any old random NPC), the player can always talk to the NPC 101+ times. While having speech be random may negate some of this, it might also make it more obvious, as being random, there's a chance that it might play the same clip two or more times in a row, though obviously the more clips there are, the less likely this becomes.
That's true voice actor hiring is expensive......A fiver for a line so says one website for voice acting.. So if you have thousands of lines to act its gonna add all up..... . Its a pity the technology is not to the standard where the computer can do realistic voice synthesis because the voice synthesis at the moment is pretty dam flat, dosen't slide all up and down like our natural voice speaking does. They could've recorded the expressions but nope, they didn't. They must've hired someone to just read the english dictionary out instead in one long motonomous voice and then call that syntheis.
What they need to do is record all the emotions and expressions as well so when you type your text out in capitals, they raise their voice and get louder. Or you can enter a special /tag Symbol along with your text to indicate what Mood you want the synthesis to change over to when speaking out your text, so if you want the voice to sound angry, or happy, or excited ect. or sad, or to speak softly, ect, you type in the symbol along with your text to tell the synthesis program to switch its voice mood state, the computer can't predict emotion by just plain text, but it can record emotion files and only we know where want the emotion to to put in our text... Maybe one day they will make a program that allows us to enter those tags so the voice program can beable to put in expression as well as mood changes in the text we give it.
To try to get them to speak their words properly in synthesis, you have to often misspell your own words ! Becaue they do stumble on saying certain words..
No I wouldn't record 100 random voice clips just for a single dialgog scene for every game pawn to choose from. that's way over the top and not even for a major storyline character would I do that many. You only need about 10 files or less than that maybe 5 if the pawn is not a main storyline character that dosen't talk much to you in the game. I would only give a greater number than 10 for a scene if the pawn is a major character. And if its just the kid down the road of the market place running aawy, who only interacts wth you briefly once in the game, maybe just give him 2 or maybe none and just have him running away without saying anything..
>But my question is WHY are these actor pawns in these big title games of today still getting stuck in these endless loops? What' going on with their A.I routines? , is it because their A.I routines has been coded that way so that when they run out of words to speak in their dialog script they just go off into an endless loop saying the same thing in their script line over and over?
You can progbably use something like Vocaloid to do speech synthesis, but it would be very hard and involved, because off the sheer amount of parameters involved.
Voialoid, I see, looking at this now, well if they can do that with Japanese singing in a recorded song, surely they can do the same with emotional states in our dialog text..