$12256 / $11500
I modified Sharm's chests to animate them opening.
The weird gate thing is derived from Sharm's work as well and is animated too.
I made a top-hat on an recolored character made with the Universal LPC Sprite Sheet Character Generator, using Stephen Challener and Thane Brimhall's art.
I designed the keys and little glowing ball myself.
I ran the top hat through my headgear spritesheet generator, with the attached result (for male and female characters). I simply copied the hat over for each facing, figuring it was rotation symmetric. It lacks the death animation though...
Hey thanks for that, I didn't even thought about doing that, I used the Universal LPC Sprite Sheet Character generator for most of my characters and I'm not used to putting them together with sheets for separate elements. It would be great to integrate the hat to the generator though.
About the death animation, I guess it wouldn't be too difficult to make it. If someone is interested, I'm willing to add that.
Thank you for this