Tempest in the Aether art sprint progress
Tempest in the Aether art sprint progress
We're hard at work on the Tempest in the Aether art sprint. Here's what we've got so far:
- A collection of concept sketches in the Weekly Challenge thread (use these if you're a 3d artist looking for something to do)
- A propeller
- A steampunk watch spider-bot
- A broken gear
- A telegraph key
- A grandfather clock
- Revolving Drawers
- A large collection of oil lamp chimneys
- A tall oil lamp
- An oil lamp
- A victorian sink
- A walking stick
- A chaise lounge
- A victorian table
- A victorian picture frame
- Newton's Octant
- A boiler room sound loop
- Metal clang sounds
- Chain winch sounds
- A large collection of workshop sounds
- Steam release sounds
- A ticking clock loop
As you can see, we're making a lot of progress. Let's keep up the good work!
Hey there,
We at Tempestintheaether.org would like to thank everyone for working together on
“The tempest in the aether art sprint.” We had a lot of fun and hope you did as well.
Interested parties should hop on to freenode irc and join both #tempest-in-the-aether and #opengameart.
Continued love and respect,