Time to for the FOSS community get to work on a capable, easy-to-use 3D engine.

Time to for the FOSS community get to work on a capable, easy-to-use 3D engine.

bart's picture

Valve has just announced that they're going to release the Source engine SDK for free.  Is this cool news?  Sure, I'll probably check it out myself.  But, the big downside here is that as high quality, closed-source engines are made free as in beer, the FOSS community loses out because we don't have anything that can compete with Unity3D and Source in terms of both features and ease of use (one or the other, perhaps, but not both).

We're losing mindshare here, folks.  If you're one of those people (you know who you are) who thinks it's okay to force everyone to constantly switch applications and muck around in text editors in order to do anything useful with a game engine, then how do you explain the popularity of engines that are easier to use?

It's one thing if programming time is an issue -- we all have limited time.  On the other hand, it's just plain lazy to justify a lack of features and ease of use by claiming that these sorts of things are completely unnecessary.

If your software is unintuitive and hard to use, and requires people to read forums and poke around through (often incomplete) documentation, it's not finished yet.  Time to get to work, folks. :)

Peace out,
