16x18 Character Base Template Collage
16x18 Character Base Template Collage
Saturday, July 30, 2011 - 19:38
Art Type:
I thought it might be useful to have all animations of Antifarea's Base Character Template in one single file with transparent background.
This includes the Walking Animation from the first template by Antifarea, the Attack Animation by Clint Bellanger and the Casting Animation by Antifarea.
I also added a recolored version which could be used as a base for orc characters.
Credit Antifarea and Clint Bellanger and link back to OGA if you use this.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Art by Antifarea and Clint Bellanger for OpenGameArt.org (http://opengameart.org)

Hello, I was thinking of making a flash game about zombies and I would like to use this sprites. I was thinking of selling the game. Can I use it? Do I have to pay you if I sell it?
You can use these sprites and you're welcome to sell the game if you do. The license (CC-BY) only requires that you credit the authors and include a link back to OGA in your credits. You don't have to pay any royalties. :)
Nice !!
I'm working (veery slooowly) on a modification of these as 16x24 sprites for some DOS-like games I'm working on... More info later....