Kq the Betrayer

Kq the Betrayer

I have been working off and on, on a RPG called Kq the Betrayer. It is a fork of the project kqlives. The engine is very stable thanks to kqlives. The game is still in alpha stages and is not really balanced. But hopefully through time I will get around to finishing this game.


Kqlives recently was removed from the Debian repositories due to among other things the use of some nonfree music. I have endeavoured to remove all nonfree remnants from the Betrayer. Here is a link to a tarball of the media used in the Betrayer. All the media is released under the GPLv2. The art consists of the art from kqlives as well as modified and original artwork done by me and my team. I would appreciate it if others would look at them and see if I missed any tiles that are obvious rips of nonfree games. The tilesets are 16x16 and would be a pretty substancial increase to the fantasy 16x16 area of OGA. The tilesets could use some rearrangement but are very useable as is. Due to the removal of the nonfree music, there is a real lack of good music, but other than that it is a very solid set of media.