Creating a new game
Creating a new game
I've been working 4 days on my game and this is what I've come up with so far. Cellular Automata generated levels. The levels are generated by randomizing 1 or zero in a grid of 100x100 for each individual element. Furthermore the program checks each individual cell if there is 4 or more neighbors present in a 3x3 grid with the center as the element selected. If 4 neighbors are present a cell remains or spawns at the center of the 3x3 grid. Otherwise the cell dies or does not spawn whatsoever.
For example C stands for the center while the 1's represent solid flooring while zeros represents walls in this case a cell is grown in the center of "C".
The center iterates through all 10,000 elements in the grid. I iterate this 25 times over the 10,000 elements.
Next phase is to add combat and animate more effects.
Also if your wondering were I got my artwork from I got it from My music came from opengameart via through my own account. All my music is public domain so feel free to use it in your game as well.
Hi Amac,
That's awesome! Cellular Automata is fascinating and very useful for stuff like this.
What language/engines are you using to develop this?