[Solved] Can't Specify Author When Uploading New Content
[Solved] Can't Specify Author When Uploading New Content
According to the FAQs, if I upload a work that I did not create myself (or, I assume, a derivative of another's work) I need to specify the original author. However, I haven't figured out how to do this. When creating/editing my content, under "Is this your own work?" I select "No". After clicking "Save", the content fails to be uploaded/updated with the error message "You must specify an author". However, I don't see any field to add the author's name. I have viewed others' content which displays the author's name with the subtext "uploader" or "uploaded by". How do I do this for my content?
I am using Google Chrome browser version 61.0.3163.100 on Linux (Linux Mint) 64-bit. Thinking that Chrome wasn't displaying the page properly, I attempting it using Firefox. But I still did not find any field for adding the original author.
See also https://opengameart.org/forumtopic/is-this-art-from-you-field-is-broken and https://opengameart.org/forumtopic/uploading-other-authors-works
--Medicine Storm
Oh, thank you MedicineStorm. I did a quick search through the forums, but didn't find those topics. Thank you for the answer.