First I would like to say a big hello to everyone, I dropped on this site by accident yesterday and I had to sign up straight away you lot are amazing.
Anyway my question is this,
I have designed a character on illustrator and I have broke it up for rigging so I can create some animated sprites. However the disappointing issue is that I cannot afford much at all currently. Can anyone recommend any program or programs which would be of use to me to do this which I can get for cheap or even free. I know I can search through Google and try program after program until I find the right one, but as for purchasing software I amnot able to buy and buy again until I find the right one. With the member of the forums already being great artists and animators I would like to hear your recommendations for this. Thank You very much.
I don't have any experience with cutout animation, but freeness-wise I'm aware of the deicated tool DragonBones and the COA Tools addon for Blender.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Thank You for that surt. I shall take a look at that. I do not hardly have any experience with blender at all I always use Cinema 4D but I have never added bones into a character before, all I have ever done is used pre made characters with the rigging in place. I think the time has come where I have to do some learning. Thank you again :)
I have to keep on trying and maybe oneday? We shall see!