Tileable Spider Web - alphaweb-spec.png

Tileable Spider Web - alphaweb-spec.png

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Texture Dimensions: 
alphaweb-spec.png alphaweb-spec.png 523.5 Kb [641 download(s)]
Texture Pack Description: 

This texture is for creating models and maps which require large quantities of spiderwebs covering everything, and when a few spiderwebs hung up around the place just isn't enough.This texture is meant to emulate the effect of thick layers of many webs overlayed on each other, like you might find wrapped around a trapped insect, or lining a cave wall.

The texture is1024 x 1024 and fully seamless.

Included are a normal map, specular map and diffuse map.

The demo image is the spider web over a plain brown background so you can see it.

The textures were created from scratch in gimp 2.6 on ubuntu 10.10