Alchemy Quest - (Puzzle)
Alchemy Quest - (Puzzle)
Alchemy Quest is a puzzle game where players combine alchemic elements to create exotic combinations and score points. It is an adaption of a falling blocks game originally titled NaturalChimie created by MotionTwin. This game was replicated as a Free Software clone named OpenAlchemist by developers Guillaume Delhumeau and Antoine Morineau. Alchemy Quest utilizes the same codebase as OpenAlchemist, but it aims to expand the concept further beyond the single game mode.
The idea for this project came from an alternate NES-styled tileset, uploaded on OpenGameArt by pixel artist usr_share. OpenAlchemist has not had any development since some years ago, so this tileset was never implemented. Alchemy Quest aims to retake and improve the old OpenAlchemist codebase and merge it with this previously unused tileset, along with adding two-player mode and some more features. The goal is to quickly roll out a simple game a high quality level, that not only looks good, but is also very enjoyable to play and easy to port.
Alchemy Quest has just recently began development. We are still in the process of refactoring the original OpenAlchemist codebase.
All code for Alchemy Quest will be made available under the GPLv3. All artwork will be licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.
We are currently looking for volunteer programmers capable of working with C++ and have a taste for puzzle games.
The current team consists of:
- Dulsi - programmer
- Strato - additional pixel art
- Hythlodaeus - project coordination, PR, documentation
- Alex Gleason - additional tasks, moral support
Interested in helping? Post on this thread, drop me a private message, or join us at our Matrix channel:
You can check out our official repo at:
Concept animation by Strato
Lots of work has gone into the project. We have switched from ClanLib to SDL2 and some additional libraries. It should be relatively easy to compile on Linux. Fedora can use the cross-compiler to build a Windows version. A quick 2 player mode was thrown in but it still needs a lot of polish.
Alchemy Quest is available for purchase from You can download it for free if you want from Purchases are used to help fund my work of restoring old open source games to keep them playable and add new features.