For anyone else hoping to get these merged spritesheets I wrote a Ruby script to combine each animation (in all directions). It uses convert and probably will only work on linux system but someone might find it useful:
Just wanted to contribute back a bit. I plan on using this tileset and before I started coding I wanted to compress it and make sure it was grid aligned. So here's the final product after duplicates were removed and a few rotated variations of dirt tiles were added. The non-tile objects start on at row 81 and are aligned to a 20 by 20 grid. The characters and box are bigger than 20 so they start at the top or left of the 20 by 20 grid.
Thanks for this, it looks great!
For anyone else hoping to get these merged spritesheets I wrote a Ruby script to combine each animation (in all directions). It uses convert and probably will only work on linux system but someone might find it useful:
Usage is:
ruby script.ruby path/to/source/files desintination/file.png
Basically you gotta run it for each directory:
ruby script.ruby Isometric/Walk/ knight_walking.png
ruby script.ruby Isometric/Attack_01/ knight_attacking1.png
Just wanted to contribute back a bit. I plan on using this tileset and before I started coding I wanted to compress it and make sure it was grid aligned. So here's the final product after duplicates were removed and a few rotated variations of dirt tiles were added. The non-tile objects start on at row 81 and are aligned to a 20 by 20 grid. The characters and box are bigger than 20 so they start at the top or left of the 20 by 20 grid.