Planetrise and Soul Star are the two tracks I have in my game, for ambience and traveling mood. I've credited you as FoxSynergy (, would you prefer a real name or is that fine?
ps. If the game ever becomes a success, I am more than happy to send a paypal tip your way. :D
Great sound packs, thanks for the awesome resource!
I will use a few for my upcoming title:
Credits will be at the title screen and in a text file included with the game. Cheers!
This really captures the best of jRPG battle music, kudos on the great composition!
Really nice beats, reminds me of old-school Wing Commaner Privateer combat music mix with jRPGs.
How do I credit you?
Hi there, thanks for the awesome music.
I've used this track along with a few others for a space action/sim game, Star Nomad. It's on Steam!
I'll be more than happy to send a few Steam keys your way to give to friends, if you're interested, I can PM.
Really awesome track!
I've just added it to my arcade spacesim Star Nomad ( I've used a few of your other tracks too.
I've message you here, to give you a Steam key. :)
Szymon, thank you again for this awesome track! My space game Star Nomad is published now on Google:
Fox, just released Star Nomad on Android:
Got you in credits. Again, thanks for awesome music!
Planetrise and Soul Star are the two tracks I have in my game, for ambience and traveling mood. I've credited you as FoxSynergy (, would you prefer a real name or is that fine?
ps. If the game ever becomes a success, I am more than happy to send a paypal tip your way. :D
Hi there Fox, I've used a few of your tracks for an upcoming Android/iOS space sandbox game, trailer here:
I love the very cool and uplifting beats you make.
Szymon, thank you so much for this track. I've decided to make it one of the main battle theme for my space sandbox game: