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Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - 19:38

Sorry pressed save twice my IE has been acting up badly. Not sure if its my ISP or computer.

Sunday, October 14, 2012 - 22:30

Still waiting on Annick sorry for delay. Something must of happend out side of work. I'll let you know the verdict as soon as I get a hold of her.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012 - 13:29

Thanks, I'll pass it along to Annick and get her approval. Big Ultima Online fan my self by the hence how we got our name lol I was working on a simular UO style game but we started to have some funding issues with the project. The guys who built UO must of had a huge budget MMORPG's are just to darn expensive to develop. Anyway, Annick is our Art director, I would send the task to her but she is working on other software but it has to get her approval. Ive learned over the years my eye for art sucks so I pretty much relie on her for everything visual.

Monday, October 8, 2012 - 21:29

I’m not an artist myself but a lot of people like to do these things to help build up their portfolios. So that would be one benefit. 

Monday, October 8, 2012 - 20:24

I understand Clint and thank you for the suggestion. Yes vector art would be best suited in this case. However, public domain based icons would likely not work well for something sold commerically. This may be a long shot question but if you have a link handy to a website were I could request vector art free of course (request base or non-public domain) would be great. I think it would be best to get a custom logo vs. a public data base type logo if that makes any sense. Thanks in advance.



I found this link incase any one else needs vector art. The forum appears to be broken but i'll keep searchig incase someone needs vector art for logos etc.


Hope they help someone.

Monday, October 8, 2012 - 20:07

Not trying to argue here but what rule does this violate and where should this request be made then? My understanding of this section and please correct me because I guess I'm wrong or misunderstood, is to share, help or request art images reguardless of Lic. type. I have the orginal art for the software logos I was simply requesting help updating them. So I'm sorry why is this not allowed? Not trying to be rude or argue but I honestly don't see how this request violates anything. I seen a lot of people requesting help for commerical projects or I thought I seen them requesting.

Monday, October 8, 2012 - 14:04

Games? No its office and educational commerical software

Open Source? No its Commerical software we have developed a number of years ago, some of it is freeware but not open source

Art Lic. CC? I think that would be discussed with the artist. Some artist would say no others might want CC, it would be something that would need to be discussed with them.  


Monday, October 8, 2012 - 13:37

Also note these images/logos must be discussed and planned. We can not just throw up a image and say "here what do you think". Because its a logo, we will have to talk about it, plan it out, discuss marketing involed etc. Thank you.

Friday, June 8, 2012 - 11:46

That typically goes into a legal document called Read me or its displayed during the install process. You know that stuff no one reads. asfor Disney lol your insane. Call Disney and let me know what they say or what % of sales they want to just put their name on the box not including % after you slap on a few copy righted images lol Anyway, this game is mostly just for show. It was made for my wife and a few friends. If i sell anything it would be the source code on how to make the game its self and the art would fall under a seperate lic.

Saturday, February 18, 2012 - 11:03

The software was originally designed to be apart of a software package for beginners and was going to be bundled in a source code pack. Once we got the game to Alpha stage, I started to see the idea unfold and decided the game was more valuable then originally planned. The main concept behind the game remains which was a simple game for a beginner programmer to learn from but its kind of an addictive game to play lol. But I do agree the game is a little rough but in my defense I did not originally plan on producing it in this manor, it just kind of evolved into something more. Which of course is always good but I learned a lesson as well from the software, plan better in design phase incase the software turns out better then expected. The download will be up sometime today and the source code can be purchased sometime next week. The game its self of course will be free and the source code will be sold at a fair price. Please remember this is the source code were selling and not the executable so expect a sizable but reasonable price for the source code. The source code will include a document explaining most of the code to help the developer better understand the concepts implied and the syntax/logic used.
