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Comments by User

Friday, January 20, 2012 - 21:42

Amazing work omg great work for free

Friday, January 20, 2012 - 18:03

Yeah I noticed I need to adjust the font as well. More worried about the bare background and other stuff.

Sunday, January 1, 2012 - 15:15

This is what my friend had to say about the matter but still debatable I think to a degree. Think of a car. every year a new car is created but we dont think of it as a new invention but it has a patent. so by law its a new invention. So where should we draw the line?


Inventor is a legal term that is connected with patents. If a programmer has created something new, that an existing product can not lay claim to, then they should be able to patent the algorithm. In that case they would be a patented inventor. Here is an interesting article that compares the distinction between an author and an inventor.

Steven Bradley



Sunday, January 1, 2012 - 00:55

Not sure how these work but here:



The models, SVG images and sound effects are dual-licensed under
the GNU General Public and the "Creative Commons Attribution
Sharealike v2" license. This Debian packages makes use of the GPL.

Saturday, December 31, 2011 - 21:47

Love them keep it up. I hope to figure out a use for them when u get enough of them posted.

Saturday, December 31, 2011 - 17:05

Sorry I am the King of not giving a good description lol Well the message would depend on the artist and their toon. Commonly I would like to promote the following:

Importance to support your local animal shelter

Promote reading

Promote friendship

Promote education

An various other things important for children.

Of course we could not likely promote everything above but we could pick one topic and promote it. On the flip side I can help write the script if needed to give it a comical, fun story. For those whom know me, my software focusses a lot on helping children learn and educates them in a fun fashion. I also make mature software for older kids and some office software but my passion is making educational software for kids. I hope that helps explain what I would like to accomplish a little more.  


Friday, December 16, 2011 - 16:02

Blend is 3d model making tool, I need 2d models. Plus Im asking here because I'm not a artist and I honestly dont have a desire to learn art. Im a programer, so most of my time is spent programing and researching physics.

Friday, December 16, 2011 - 00:20

I think those are copyrighted images. I don't think those are by NASA, they were likely by a agecny making concept models and showed them off to NASA. any way you go, I dont think they are public domain. Would be nice if they were though lol

Thursday, December 15, 2011 - 11:40

OMG I love it, please make more. This is a awsome style.
