@vk: Sure, this can be ported to Javascript. Go ahead if you want to.
1.) It works for me this way :P
2.) could you please fix the bugs and create a pull request on github?
3.) Yes, indeed.
4.) Sure.
Also, I agree that it is currently only useful for inspirational purposes. It still lacks details and such. I thought for example about adding a person description.
EDIT: I translated the comments and added a new conflict end. Check github for the changes.
Why shouldn't one be able to use CC-BY as license for his source code? I recently read through the German version of the license and I didn't spot anything one could have a problem with. MIT is good as license too, yes. I licensed the data part of my rpg as MIT.
High quality :) There are some points you could improve on:
- provide flower part of dandelion, trunk of sunflower, strawberry fruit
- search the names of the plants you named "tree branch" and "small plant" -> users will be able to get more information if they need to
EDIT: I wonder how you make your plants transparent. I usually hold them in front of the blue sky.
Thank you for releasing this under the terms of CC0 :) This is really useful.
You should give the user an information when the program is creating sth.
Also, what about adding plank tiles and stylized sheeps? Both are very simple to create.
I thought up a lot of similar generators and implemented some of them.
Could you please share the program you created this with and the one you created the brick tiles with?
Could you please share the program you created the doors with?
Hm, I don't know why CC-BY 3.0 is incompatible with GPL, since I didn't read the full GPL license.
I think zLib is fine then. Easy to understand, I get credited, there are fair restrictions for reusing and it's compatible with GPL.
I don't see a reason why OGA shouldn't host small applications you can create resources for your games with.
EDIT: I changed the license to zLib: https://github.com/kddekadenz/PlotNarrator
Also, you may want to check out anihex's fork: https://github.com/anihex/PlotNarrator
I added your generator to my content generator list: http://kelgardev.forumieren.org/h2-tools :)
Cool :D Please send me a link when you release it to the public.
Please correct my errors and clean it up :)
@vk: Sure, this can be ported to Javascript. Go ahead if you want to.
1.) It works for me this way :P
2.) could you please fix the bugs and create a pull request on github?
3.) Yes, indeed.
4.) Sure.
Also, I agree that it is currently only useful for inspirational purposes. It still lacks details and such. I thought for example about adding a person description.
EDIT: I translated the comments and added a new conflict end. Check github for the changes.
I mirrored the source here :)
Why shouldn't one be able to use CC-BY as license for his source code? I recently read through the German version of the license and I didn't spot anything one could have a problem with. MIT is good as license too, yes. I licensed the data part of my rpg as MIT.