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Tuesday, July 8, 2014 - 00:43

That's right. 32x64 isn't a common one from what I've found.

I've started an RPG action-adventure type project within a 100 room dungeon. I've used a lot of 32x32 sprites for testing out certain things, but feel like a 32x64 would make for some good detail and look a little more unique for what it is. It's 2D, top down in the same way The Legend of Zelda is. Kind of think Binding of Isaac for the way the rooms work.

I know 8 is a lot to ask for, and since it's for testing 4 directions can work. Just looking to get animation in the game down for the 8 way movement is all as 4 way movement can at times be limiting. In the end it's all experimentation.

EDIT: The animation for walking isn't completely necessary. I'd bet that makes things easier.