Now that the forums work again, here's a quick attempt at making a model for sprite rendering. On the far left is the rendered frame, there's an issue with the texture (the green stuff). Could work on it more.
Almost all the indie platformers i've played use Z for jump (with arrow key movement). This is the first key I try when i start playing that sort of game.
When I try a first person shooter, using WASD and mouse, i try the 3 mouse buttons, then Q and E are the most common next choices, C or Ctrl for crouch, F and G are commonly used, and of course R is always reload.
Now that the forums work again, here's a quick attempt at making a model for sprite rendering. On the far left is the rendered frame, there's an issue with the texture (the green stuff). Could work on it more.
Almost all the indie platformers i've played use Z for jump (with arrow key movement). This is the first key I try when i start playing that sort of game.
When I try a first person shooter, using WASD and mouse, i try the 3 mouse buttons, then Q and E are the most common next choices, C or Ctrl for crouch, F and G are commonly used, and of course R is always reload.
This is awesome.