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Monday, October 10, 2011 - 12:13

I've been using GTK Radiant 1.4 the past 7 years to bring idTech3 (Quake 3, RTCW, etc)  engine levels to life, till this day it remains my favourite. I belive it can be used to do alot of things, idTech4 (Quake 4, Doom III, etc) mapping is also possible through newer versions of GTK Radiant (1.5, ZeroRadiant, NetRadiant, etc).

I wouldnt have GTK Radiant without my Q3map2, which is the actual compiler for the tech. :)

Have seen people convert entire Minecraft levels to idTech3 using custom modifications of Q3map2.

Its such a science though, and I'm an artist at heart. :)


Looking forward to trying the new idTech5 editor.