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Wednesday, November 2, 2011 - 19:56


My favorite game persona is a wizard/mage with lycanthropy. (Not the kind that makes you insane. I question games with cannon that insist lycanthropes be 'insane in the membrane', because it does not fit with real germanic werewolf folk tales. At least the precatholicism versions.)

In old folk tales, the lycanthrope is neither evil, nor mad. Just different, with different ambitions and goals than those of humans, and human-like races, like elves. The idea of "lawfulness" is incomprehsible, for instance, outside of simple things like natural and pack laws. (Strongest eats first, kind of things.) Most sources of conflict in such stories involve hunters barging into the lycanthrope's living room and taking his stuff. (Cutting down trees, pasturing sheep, hunting deer, outright moving in without asking, etc.) The conflict of interest comes from the humans not recognizing the native inhabitant, nor his claim of residency, as valid. It is only later, after christian input on old stories that werewolves become demons that devour children in european stories.

That preface aside, my preferred game persona is that of an already somewhat aloof wizard, who purposefully aflicted himslef with lycanthropy for purely utilitarian purposes, and ended up getting more than he bargained for. (For LotR fans, think radaghast the brown, but with hair all over, with a similar disregard for human affairs.)

So, he is at once, magically and physically powerful, but lacking the desire to increase such, with nothing to prove, almost totally misunderstood by humans (but partially understood by elves), and interacts with the world of humans only on the edges. Views human expansion as a plague that destroys nature, but does not act. ("Nature takes care of her own affairs. Humans take heed!" Type philosophy on the subject.)

Spell set is not druid based. Actual mage spells, but rarely used for more than starting campfires, or freezing meat for the winter. (But well practiced in that respect.) Single, has no desire to procreate, nonsexual. Well educated from former life as a sorcerer, but intellectually changed as a result of the condition. Now realizes that trying to control or beat nature is a loser's game.

Since this type of character almost never exists outside of loosely run pen and paper types (a lot of DMs insist on such a char being druid class, for instance. I pick mage for a reason.), I usually settle for an ordinary spellcaster type, focus on practical magics, and pump physical skills.

Monday, October 31, 2011 - 20:08

I downloaded the apk, but it wants security permissions that I don't thing a tower defense games need. I understand that this is a beta, but why does the program need coarse network based location, and access to the camera?