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Monday, January 20, 2014 - 20:47

This is pretty neat! Small comment though:

The high model has ~400 vertices but ~1500 texture coordinate definitions. When you pass vertex data to OpenGL you must have as many vertices as texture coordinates because you may only use one index buffer per draw call. Based off of the simple texture that comes with it, is there any way to reexport this so that we don't use 1500 verts for a single traffic cone?

Monday, November 7, 2011 - 09:08

AFAIK, The code that is linked to on the web site is protected by copyright. However, the paper is in the public domain is available for anyone to read if you'd like to implement ORCA yourself.

I'm no lawyer, however.

Thursday, November 3, 2011 - 14:01

Thank you. These are the licensed asset I was looking at.