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Wednesday, October 15, 2014 - 23:02

its a good and necessary thing what you are teling, and i think we can try to understand the "flow" of edges/vertices, if we understand an objects flow, the reduction in edges comes automatically...hope this help :D

[I am also learning low-poly modeling and i'm not expert in it :) ]

Wednesday, October 15, 2014 - 17:49

Hello there,althoigh i am new here i would like to suggest something to you. 

i personally asked this question to my mentor and teacher about polycount, he told me that I should forget about poly counts before mastering modelling...when you perfectly model a face of a celebrity or even yourself, then make it again, that time you will realize that there wasn't any need for a particular set of edges,you just need to adjust neighboring vertices to that point which gives you almost same result w/o those edges....

I think the polycount thing is gained through experience of modelling many different kinds of assets...

Try this if already have a highpoly model, duplicate it and start deleting the edges whichu think are unnecessary..and will give u exact same look as high poly model...u can start from there maybe..