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Tuesday, October 28, 2014 - 12:10

Hi bloodywing, that's why I'm talking about paying if neccesary.

I have a simple game finished:

And I'm currently working on this one: arrows to move left and right, A to jump (double jump also) and S to fire. I bought the assets and is will be a endless runner with "random" scenarios and three characters to choose. Also there will be 8 different zombies.

I'm looking something like this: (the character from the right, with the red cape, with maybe the helm of the second guy, the one with the green cape). This is a quick transformation I did:

I'm looking for 3 versions: leather armor, silver plate armor, golden plate armor with red cape. If that's too much I would go with leather and silver plate armor and I'll make the golden myself doing a recolor of the silver one.

The animations I thought of are:

Attack front
Attack top
Attack bottom
Escalate a ladder

The idea is to call the game something like magic sword and by attacking (a normal slash) he'll send something like a bullet, a fire ... magic, whatever (won't require to do those animations, just the char). So I mean that attack front is an horizontal attack while attack up and bottom are both vertical attacks. In the line of ghost n goblins in terms of attack.

As I said I'm willing to pay or to offer whatever I can offer.

If you have any question feel free to ask.

Thanks for your post.