The animation is just pefect! Thank you!
I'm using it in my crazy game "Honey, the Deers act Strange!".
Thanks a lot! Sounds are just perfect!
Thank you! I'm using it in my crazy game "Honey, the Deers act Strange!".
I'm using this in my "Honey, the Deers act Strange!" game. And it fitted just perfect!
Both 8-bit version in menu, and this one at gameplay!
Thanks Bart!
Thank you for the bat. I used it in my cloud punching game Jumpy Skyfox!Put your nick on credits also. Thanks! Here you can check it out:
Ok, Just 'JaggedStone' then. Thanks!
OK thanks, i got it. Have to implement scroll for credits to fit liscense info.
Thank you! Used your popping sounds for clouds destroyed by fox.
Put your nickname on credits, please see if everything is allright!
Use this nice sound when sharp blades kill the fox or birds! Really cool, thank you!
Used your coin sounds for gem stone pickup in my game... I guess there's no particular sound gems make in real life??
Anyways thank you, put your nickname on credits, please check if everythings right!
The animation is just pefect! Thank you!
I'm using it in my crazy game "Honey, the Deers act Strange!".
Thanks a lot! Sounds are just perfect!
I'm using it in my crazy game "Honey, the Deers act Strange!".
Thank you! I'm using it in my crazy game "Honey, the Deers act Strange!".
I'm using this in my "Honey, the Deers act Strange!" game. And it fitted just perfect!
Both 8-bit version in menu, and this one at gameplay!
Thanks Bart!
Thank you for the bat. I used it in my cloud punching game Jumpy Skyfox!Put your nick on credits also. Thanks! Here you can check it out:
Ok, Just 'JaggedStone' then. Thanks!
OK thanks, i got it. Have to implement scroll for credits to fit liscense info.
Thank you! Used your popping sounds for clouds destroyed by fox.
Put your nickname on credits, please see if everything is allright!
Use this nice sound when sharp blades kill the fox or birds! Really cool, thank you!
Used your coin sounds for gem stone pickup in my game... I guess there's no particular sound gems make in real life??
Anyways thank you, put your nickname on credits, please check if everythings right!