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Tuesday, January 20, 2015 - 08:37

Really glad everyone is open to constructive criticism. 


“To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.” 
― Aristotle

Saturday, January 17, 2015 - 07:23

While your donating , find somewhere to explain whats going on here. 

If you really like this site you shouldnt need reminding to donate.

Saturday, January 17, 2015 - 04:26

Redshrike my grammer was down to my wireless keyboard not working fixed now.  

danorder hopefully you are in the UK and you can repeat your comment to my face ?

Mr Wortman i will answer your question sir as you seem to be of good intelligence, i was searching google for graphics for my apps, somewhere along the line i clicked on the link to this site. Im a member of alot of forums online but could not workout what was going on here, yes graphics free or do we pay. First thing i did was click on popular this week Space merc tab and the first comment on their is a comment from another lost soul.

Who do i put in the credits if i use this ? 

So back to the front page looking for some sort of introduction to what this site is but theres nothing, is it a forum ,social media site ,selling site, free graphics site, share and swop site ? 

But this couldnt be missed  

Support on Patreon!

Read about the funding drive or go right to Patreon.

Final goal: $2000/month

Current goal: Better Content Curation ($1000/month) on Patreon!


Saturday, January 17, 2015 - 04:24

Redshrike my grammer was down to my wireless keyboard not working fixed now.  

danorder hopefully you are in the UK and you can repeat your comment to my face ?

Mr Wortman i will answer your question sir as you seem to be of good intelligence, i was searching google for graphics for my apps, somewhere along the line i clicked on the link to this site. Im a member of alot of forums online but could not workout what was going on here, yes graphics free or do we pay. First thing i did was click on popular this week Space merc tab and the first comment on their is a comment from another lost soul.

Who do i put in the credits if i use this ? 

So back to the front page looking for some sort of introduction to what this site is but theres nothing, is it a forum ,social media site ,selling site, free graphics site, share and swop site ? 

But this couldnt be missed  

Support on Patreon!


Read about the funding drive or go right to Patreon.

Final goal: $2000/month


Current goal: Better Content Curation ($1000/month) on Patreon!


Tuesday, January 13, 2015 - 20:16

What? you cant read either. 

Landed on this site and found it hard to navigate around .