Just wanted to let you konw I used a couple of your nusic tracks in a game I made.
You can play it here
Scroll down, near the bottom, it is called Hammies.
Your name and a link to you bandcamp page are in the credits.
thanks for sharing,
I just wanted to let you know that I used this toon in another game I created.
You can see it here
Your name and a link to your band camp page are on the credits page.
thanks for sharing
I just wnated to let you know that I used your music in a little game I created.
Your name and a link to your band camp site are in the credits.
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing.
I put a quick demo together with a couple of your graphics (shotgun and zombie).
Go to my site - here - and take a look.
You move the shooter with the keyboard (wasd) and shoot with the space bar
Thanks for the artwork. I used some of your ships in a little game I made 'Rift Runner'.
I have finally gotten around to using some of your other stuff in a top down space shooter.
The game isn't finished yet, but you can check it out on my site
www.ashatej.com it is the first one in the second row "Sector 7"
I hope to finish it is another week or so.
again, thanks
Just wanted to let you konw I used a couple of your nusic tracks in a game I made.
You can play it here
Scroll down, near the bottom, it is called Hammies.
Your name and a link to you bandcamp page are in the credits.
thanks for sharing,
I just wanted to let you know that I used this toon in another game I created.
You can see it here
Your name and a link to your band camp page are on the credits page.
thanks for sharing
I just wnated to let you know that I used your music in a little game I created.
Your name and a link to your band camp site are in the credits.
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing.
I put a quick demo together with a couple of your graphics (shotgun and zombie).
Go to my site - here - and take a look.
You move the shooter with the keyboard (wasd) and shoot with the space bar
Thanks for the artwork. I used some of your ships in a little game I made 'Rift Runner'.
I have finally gotten around to using some of your other stuff in a top down space shooter.
The game isn't finished yet, but you can check it out on my site
www.ashatej.com it is the first one in the second row "Sector 7"
I hope to finish it is another week or so.
again, thanks