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Monday, June 4, 2012 - 22:05

Actually I was more referring to the special category listed under the 'Prizes' section: "$1500 USD: HTML5 game prize" Not that the prize is my only reason for looking to create a HTML5 game, it's just that I felt it would be a good excuse to try out HTML5 and JavaScript since I've never used it before.

So yeah, basically; would a Javascript game that calls CGI scripts on a server count as a HTML5 game for those purposes providing all the general rules of the competition are followed (CGI script sources are GPL, runs on Apache etc.)?

I'm not sure I'll necessarily end up doing this at all, it might be easier just to pull down data as I need it, but I figured that small bits of processor-intensive stuff (e.g. random level generation) might be more suited to run on the server.