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Monday, November 12, 2012 - 16:15

Good feedback. Excellent observations; you are spot on everything but the inititative system. It uses a unique "phased activation sequence". It is complex, but the single most awesome feature of Dungeon Tactics.


A match is divided into turns.

During a single turn all units will activate once.

Each turn is divided into phases.

Each phase is divided into rounds which alternate between players.

During a player's phase they can activate a set number of units.

Units may activate in any order.

Each player gets the same number of phases each turn, but the number of activations per phase may differ depending on the number of units each player has.

The number of each activations is adjusted each phase to keep the number of phases eac hplayer has equal.

Example 1: if player A has 10 units and player B has 5 then there will be 5 phases, during which player A will activate 2 units, while player B will activate 1.

Example 2: Both players have 10 units. Both players have 10 phases, each with 1 activation

Example 3: Player A has 10 units, player B has 2 units. There are 2 phases. Player A activates 5 units per phase, while player B activates 1.


This system was designed for multiplayer PvP and circumvents the main issues that other turn based systems suffer from. In IGOUGO the victor is often decided on the first dice roll, as the side that wins the inititative roll can effectivly attack the opponent force unhindered, often reducing it to below effective combat status before the controling player has a chance to make a single move. In stat based inititave systems high stat value units are often favored to the exclusion of all else, as the importance of moving and attacking first is considerable.In random inititave roll systems, a series of bad rolls can doom a player to the same fate as loosing an inititave roll in IGOUGO systems.

Also, it bypasses the main flaw if the IGOUGO system; taking your turn then going for a snak break because your opponent takes so long moving his entire force one unit at a time, checking range and line of sight to each enemy unit for every one... Dungeon Tactics PvP is going to have a speed chess style turn clock.




Hotkeys, yes.

Action state icons, yes. could go above unit head's with HP/SP bars

Detailed class descriptions in character creation; support exists but no copy was written

Heal all button in temple was supposed to be in this patch but ran out of time. I was already a week late!

Auto-move/ attack option, might be a good idea, but. I am thinking of moving to an action point system, where units get 2 ap per activation, and actions cost 1. so units can attack twice or move twice, or attack then move, or move then attack.

Map / characters sizes is a good point. we can play around with the ratio of character to tile.

Menu size / positions, yeah i know they are bad. the menu button system is a total hack, dropdown would be way better, but i am not that good at design so i am shoehornining the LPC graphics into places it really wasn't ment to be.

Background art is important too, which is why I hacked together the tower background for the town now, before when it was just a black screen it was unbearable. But again, production constraints, I suck at art. I will keep an eye out for free stuff to use, but the whole reason teh LPC started was because there wasnt much.

Oh well, one day I will go on a crusade against the color black and purge it from the game. In the meantime I have a lot of stuff to occupy my time with... ^^


Monday, November 12, 2012 - 16:11

ok, editied. ^^

Saturday, November 10, 2012 - 10:07

nice work!

Saturday, November 10, 2012 - 10:06

Indiedb was having some issues. The link on the official website should work tho.

Friday, November 9, 2012 - 10:14

Dungeon Tactcis 1.4 is now available.


Version 1.4 Change Log

  • In-game currency. Loot drops now have a chance to contain gold coins in addition to items.
  • Quest Hub. (towns) Right now towns are purely menu driven, but maybe sometime in the future we will be able to walk around and talk to npcs.
  • Save and Load features. When you exit your mobs are now saved, but maps are not. When you load you will be in town with all the mobs you had when you quit.
  • Death. Now when mobs are defeated they are not auto-revived at the start of the next match. Instead they are dead, and stay dead.
  • Mobs can be healed or revived at a quest hub in exchange for gold coins.
  • A match will end if a player ends their turn with no mobs on the field. The player and all mobs will return to the quest hub.
  • If a player quits the game during a match then all mobs flee without exp or loot, and the player will return to the quest hub on game load.
  • Added support for variable height tiles
  • Raised maximum party members from 4 to 6
  • Lowered starting party members from 4 to 1
  • Quest Selector ( Quest List. Select quests)
  • Party Manager  ( Hire, Retire)
  • Vendor   ( Buy / Sell items )
  • Temple   ( Heal party / Raise dead )
  • Forest map
  • Tutorial
  • Story / Plotline
  • Dialog Menu
  • Added 2 new classes : Knight and Necromancer.
  • Quest rewards. Gold bonus as well as exp.
  • adjusted score and endgame score screen.
  • adjusted class balance
  • fixed bug where weapons would sometimes no longer equip correctly
  • fixed bug where units were sometimes allowed to deploy when not supposed to
Thursday, November 8, 2012 - 14:48

Shame you gave up, the project was looking good. What font did you use for the menus and logos?

Your story is very similar to the plot I wrote for Dungeon Tactics; likley because we were influanced by many of the same sources. Perhaps you would be interested in a collaborative effort?

I know you lost interest in leading your own project, but you obviously have ideas and talent. Perhaps contributing in a casual fashon to an established project spearheaded by someone with more motivation would allow you the freedom of creative expression without the preasures of development?



Sunday, November 4, 2012 - 01:06

'Pixel art' is different then '2d game art'. A lot of modern game art is made using vector graphics...

Saturday, November 3, 2012 - 21:40

The plot I have come up with for Dungeon Tactics Episode 1 is very complex. It is a tragedy in the classical sense, and the story does start off extremly cliche. Then it rapidly subverts all it's tropes in the most darkest and brutal manner possible. Some of the themes I touch on are loyalty and betrayal, war, greed, racisim, religious intolerance, sacrifice, self sacrifice, human sacrifice, mythology v.s. religion, political manipulation, brainwashing, nature v.s. nuture, free will v.s destiny, love v.s lust, unrequited love, grief and loss.


Dispair, hopelessness, anguish. murder, genocide, suicide.


You know, the fun stuff.



Friday, November 2, 2012 - 01:45

Dungeon Tactics version 1.4 is almost ready, but I've decided to delay the release an additional week to flesh out the story and dialog system a bit more. This new patch adds basically everything that anyone has ever asked to be in the game. A tutorial, a plot, town to sell stuff at, savegames, more maps, more classes, etc, etc. It is huge.


Thursday, November 1, 2012 - 22:11

the repo zipball works. ty.
