Primary tabs

Comments by User

Monday, June 18, 2012 - 06:03

This patch allows you to create a map without using text editors.
In your manual for the creation of maps, monsters, and adds a group of monsters in your hand, after the patch, it can be done in the editor Tiled, which for many will be easier. try, then it will be possible to arrange the editor monsters or NPC, or event, or teleport, and then do export and play.

P.S. Apologies for machine translation, I do not understand English.


С Уважением Ковальчук Роман.

Monday, June 18, 2012 - 03:50

small path for tiled-qt-0.8.1/src/plugins/flare/flareplugin.cpp


change from:

        if (ObjectGroup *group = layer->asObjectGroup()) {
            foreach (const MapObject *o, group->objects()) {
                if (o->type().isEmpty()) {
                    out << "[" << group->name() << "]\n";

                    // display object name as comment
                    if (o->name().isEmpty()) {
                        out << "# " << o->name() << "\n";

                    out << "type=" << o->type() << "\n";
                    out << "location=" << o->x() << "," << o->y();
                    out << "," << o->width() << "," << o->height() << "\n";

                    // write all properties for this object
                    Properties::const_iterator it = o->properties().constBegin();
                    Properties::const_iterator it_end = o->properties().constEnd();
                    for (; it != it_end; ++it) {
                        out << it.key() << "=" << it.value() << "\n";
                    out << "\n";


          if (ObjectGroup *group = layer->asObjectGroup()) {
            foreach (const MapObject *o, group->objects()) {
                if (!o->type().isEmpty()) { // !
                    out << "[" << group->name() << "]\n";

                    // display object name as comment
                    if (!o->name().isEmpty()) {
                        out << "# " << o->name() << "\n";

                    out << "type=" << o->type() << "\n";
                    out << "location=" << o->x() << "," << o->y();

                       out << "\n";
                    } else {
                    out << "," << o->width() << "," << o->height() << "\n";

                    // write all properties for this object
                    Properties::const_iterator it = o->properties().constBegin();
                    Properties::const_iterator it_end = o->properties().constEnd();
                    for (; it != it_end; ++it) {
                        out << it.key() << "=" << it.value() << "\n";
                    out << "\n";

sample map:


С Уважением Ковальчук Роман.