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Tuesday, December 1, 2015 - 15:43

Was this meant to be bad? lol lol And yeah, it was meant to be funny-ish! So, yeah! ;P

Wednesday, October 21, 2015 - 06:52

Hey, I used your sprites in an HTML5 game that is getting mad love!! I just wanna share this and kinda parade you, being the creator behind the sprites, for making such amazing sprites! I did animate the sprites, so it looks more organic to the environment! lol Anyways, check it out:


Oh and if you google search it, it seemed to have found it's way to other sites... even though I didn't upload em there, not sure how that happened, but hey! :D

Wednesday, October 7, 2015 - 07:56


Wednesday, October 7, 2015 - 07:34

No, it's fine! :D I did say "Attempt" lol I am still learning spriting, so I'm looking for feedback and maybe even tips. As for the Tileset, it's a opensource tileset from The Mana World.

The set is by MRUK, I would scroll down to find his finished version of it -- "V0.1.12"


EDIT: It would help if I gave the link, like I meant to do but forgot!! lol lol lol lol

Friday, September 25, 2015 - 11:17

EDIT (9/25/15 -- 11:16 AM): Uploading still doesn't work! (See image attachment)

EDIT (9/25/15 -- 11:23 AM): Error comes and goes for viewing art, seems to be persistent and unpredictible, it appears to be related to their database or server -- (since it mentions "Disk Space" and "Base" strings)

I cannot upload another image showing this error due to uploading errors, but the first post by "rubberduck" shows it in text.