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Monday, February 11, 2013 - 10:43

Nice looking model.  Thanks for sharing. :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012 - 14:34

Can you tell me what java version you were trying it with?  Looking at debian's package list, there are at least 4 different jres that ship with the latest version...

Monday, August 13, 2012 - 07:12

That's odd.  Can you try completely deleting the database file and starting again?  It'll automatically recreate it if it isn't present.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012 - 20:36

OK, I have now tested it on the VM and the script does work, however it seems there's a corrupted database file in the distribution, so you'll have to delete pennyblood-server/data/server.db4o before starting to make it all work.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012 - 20:10

Hmm.  Pastebin changed all my newlines to CRLFs, which doesn't work, and the VM doesn't have anything installed to convert them.  Let's try again:

You can download the script from here:

Tuesday, August 7, 2012 - 20:10

Here's the shell script as promised, or at least a first version of it.  This has been tested with cygwin on windows; I'm currently downloading the LPC VM image and will test it there when that download finishes.

To use:

  1. download into the directory the original archive was extracted in (there should also be subdirectories 'eventserver', 'pennyblood-model', etc. in the same directory).
  2. in a shell, cd into that directory
  3. ./ yourhostname

The first time it is run, the script will download a copy of Apache Tomcat 7.0.29 and install and configure it.  Thereafter, it will simply run the two server processes required.  You should now be able to connect on port 8080.

You only need to specify your hostname the first time it is run; the hostname is inserted into a couple of the JSP files for the purposes of constructing backlinks to the server.  You can use 'localhost' if you are only ever planning on connecting from localhost, although I'd suggest using a real hostname if at all possible: the game is much more fun with multiple people playing.

If at any point you want to reconfigure, simply delete the 'apache-tomcat-7.0.29' directory that is created the first time you run it.  Apache will be reinstalled and reconfigured (although not redownloaded unless you also delete the tar file).

Note that while the script is good at starting the game, it isn't so good at stopping it.  Pressing Ctrl+C will kill tomcat, but the event server will be left behind.  You'll need to use 'ps' to find it and kill it.

Edit: would be useful if I could upload a zip/tar file to this board, but it is apparently disallowed.  External link for the script (see below)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012 - 16:09

Re. song of blood:

The easiest way is to use eclipse's J2EE edition.  Untar into an empty folder, and open that folder as an eclipse workspace.

Then set up a java server with the 'pennyblood-web' project (yes, we changed the name late in development, and I didn't have time to fix the names).  To do this, you'll need to have a server already installed (I suggest Apache Tomcat 7); then create a new server runtime and publish the project to it (there's a tutorial video at that seems quite useful).

Once you have everything installed, start the run option 'Main'.  When it stops printing messages, start Tomcat.  Connect to http://localhost:8080/pennyblood-web with chromium or firefox, and you should see the log-in/register screen.  Get a few people together, because some of the quests are quite tricky if you're on your own!

I should also comment here that I've had a bug report that adblock on chrome can cause some of the graphics to fail to load. If you see stuff obviously missing, try disabling adblock if you have it installed.


EDIT: I've started a new thread about running Song Of Blood here in which I've also provided a shell script that should help get stuff up and running, and which is much easier than messing around in eclipse.

Thursday, August 2, 2012 - 11:01

Just tried it, but first time I died I respawned inside a wall in the house and couldn't get out.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012 - 17:15

Not sure about term 1 of the licence, although Debian seem to think it's OK for DFSG purposes:


Sunday, July 1, 2012 - 13:26

But all of the above is just a formality, anyway.  You can just put a file up somewhere and say "this is released under GPLv3 as published by the Free Software Foundation", and that's enough, legally speaking.
