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Sunday, October 7, 2012 - 18:17

@cemkalyoncu: You can see your torches "live" in this early alpha:

Sunday, October 7, 2012 - 08:29

Well this thread has surpassed all my expectations, so many great models!

@cemkalyoncu: I'm going to use both of the hanging ones. I'll change the second one's texture to less rusty one so that I have both a "crude dungeon" version and a "fancy castle/temple" version. As for a standing one, I think I could very well use that too - if it has a proper base (i.e. not a stick drilled into floor), I could make it dynamic and let player tip it over. :)

EDIT: I'll push the code into github once I've sorted out a couple of outstanding issues. As this is a WebGL thingy, I'm expecting a lot of problems from people, so I don't want that to distract me yet.

@Scribe: Looks very nice and would complete my torch set, though as I commented on the model page, I'm having some issues. :(


Sunday, October 7, 2012 - 07:33

This looks like exactly what I need. However, when I export it and put it into my game, the transparent parts appear distorted and not straight like in your preview picture: Noteworthy is that I needed to combine the "alpha map4.png" with the "pdtexture.png" into one 4-channel texture for the rendering engine.

The alpha map looks rather weird, as the transparent sections are irregularly shaped. I tried to check the UV mapping, but as I'm rather bad with Blender, I was only able to see the mapping of the wall attachment.

Any idea what could be wrong? EDIT: With some Blender help from my brother, I was able to see that the model and textures are indeed correct in blender. Weird.

Also, there is quite a bit of texture stretching in the pole part.

Saturday, October 6, 2012 - 10:15

There is alpha, the pic was just somehow messed up. I replaced it in my previous post with another one that shows the alpha quite clear.

Saturday, October 6, 2012 - 10:14

Game render, for your viewing pleasure. It is kind of visible that the chains have no depth, but otherwise a nice addition.

Saturday, October 6, 2012 - 07:26

Excellent, I was actually just thinking what to do with lights that are placed in the middle of a room in my editor (lights close to walls are automatically placed there, with properly rotated torch mesh).

I did a bit of searching for a chain texture, but didn't find anything :( Though I think it could also hang from iron bars. EDIT:

Saturday, October 6, 2012 - 04:49

Thank you very much. I've attached a render of it in-game. I'm happy with the geometry, but I'm probably going to do a bit of work on the wood texture. Btw, are you done now? If yes, could you upload it to OGA and pick the license (and attribution info if any) so that I can add a proper readme.txt for the model in my Git repo. If I come up with great textures, I can send them to you for review and a possible update of the OGA model file.

EDIT: I attached a game render with revised wood texture, stamped from texture 4. Not perfect, but looks a lot less procedurally generated.

Friday, October 5, 2012 - 12:09

Looks excellent, can't wait to get hold of the model :)


@Torham Zed: I'm not a huge fan of inventory management and I'm going for free movement etc, but sure, once the sources are released, anyone is free to fork it and develope it to their desired direction.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012 - 15:26

Looks nice! Does that refinement include rising the support ring, as IMHO it looks a bit unnatural now. Looking at google image search results for wall torch, about half-way up the whole stick seems about right.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012 - 14:21

@shirish: Not RPG. Something resembling survival.

@cemkalyoncu: Thanks for your willingness to help. Even a simple texture would be a good start, as I might even be able to enhance that myself in Gimp as long as I have the template. In many cases I can also produce adequate normal and specular maps from the diffuse texture with Gimp.

