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Tuesday, December 19, 2017 - 10:43

This is not to be construed as tax advice. You should consult a tax professional.

Your question would be easier to answer if you could be VERY specific about what you want to do. Patreon has some information about taxes on their site.

I will explore that there may be a difference between selling a product, selling a service, getting royalties, and possibly receiving money for patronage, etc. I think Patreon would be a good option for you, but they aren't really donations always.

Rules vary considerably based on where you live, do business, etc. Also consider that crowdfunding is still relatively new and rules are probably going to change quickly. CPAs may have varying opinions as well, especially the less conservative ones.

One of the reasons I posted this is because I'm interested in the gift in terms of "full consideration" because -- what if you let people give you a dollar, but they got nothing?

Hope this helps. You'll just have to do the research.

Thursday, March 9, 2017 - 11:43

The licenses are always posted in the column at the left, but you should look at the descriptions for additional attribution information. I would assume that they belong to Daniel because he doesn't say otherwise?

Saturday, March 4, 2017 - 04:31

I just tried to post this and uploaded a few images in the Share Your Project forum -- EOM --

Don't Forget the Bard! won Daily 3rd on Newgrounds on November 20, 216 and was Frontpaged on November 21, 2016.

How to Play:

If your adventure is cut short, you didn't have the right skills for your intended path. Sometimes you will need a combination of two skills to complete the path. For example, you may need strong bard powers and charisma in order to complete one path, but these skills could be useless for another.


Combat Power - basic physical combat and fencing skills
Bard Powers - mysterious powers of song and intuition
Composure - allows you to remain composed under intense circumstances
Charisma - make friends and influence people
Lore - knowledge about the realm could save your life

Link to the game on Newgrounds.

Thanks to everyone who released open source art and or made Don't Forget the Bard! Possible.

Music credit to kannnaduki:

Cover art credit to Michael Perez (

Food Icon credit to @dbhvk Daniel Belohlavek (

RPG Icon credit to Ravenmore (

UI / Background credit to Ravenmore (

Ring icon credit to Heather Lee Harvey / (

Clothes credit to Clint Bellanger, Blarumyrran, crowline (CrowLineStudio), and Justin Nichol (

Key icon credit to: Some Item Icons by Kem @ (

Saturday, December 10, 2016 - 13:25

Okay, I went ahead and did that. Thanks!

Saturday, December 10, 2016 - 12:26

This is cool. I'm going to try and use this to come up with something playable for Pixel Day on Newgrounds. There's an emphasis on original pixel art, but that's okay.

If I share a picture of my workspace on Twitter and these tiles are on it, do I need to include attribution, or do I just need to post that on the actual game credits? It's kind of hard to post the attribution information via Twitter.

Saturday, December 3, 2016 - 02:01

I was able to extract it using 7-zip, but it really should be changed. It took me about 30 minutes to find a way to extract the file.

Monday, November 28, 2016 - 10:13

Nice! But my graphics editor isn't interpreting the gold. It's just coming through as a black vector. It would help if you provided the working file as an .ai or .psd, etc.