Your latest tracks have been great Spring! Enjoyed them muchly. Currently art and music are pretty set in stone for the alpha demo build so no worries yet! But after it is released and I begin expanding the content of the game, I have your stuff bookmarked for inspiration and potential use! Hope that's cool :)
Okay so as many of you may be aware I plan to develop Galactagirl to completion, the next step of which is releasing an "alpha demo" for the game so I have an opportunity to recieve valuable player feedback while working on it.
Planned features of the demo so far include:
- A tutorial and hub area for you to practice your moves and abilities
- Four distinct stages/levels
- A boss fight that is unlocked after beating the four stages/levels
- Some totally kickass openly sourced graphics and music
I'm hoping this demo will provide a good overall blueprint for early players of Galactagirl's moveset and controls, the structure of the game and player progress, and a variety of mechanics and their implementation. No specific release date as of yet but stay tuned at any of the dev links for updates on the game's progress.
Thanks tiagor2! I'm actually not that familiar with this sort of graphics/art stuff as much and the only real restriction I have placed on it is to try and stick to a NES color pallette (demo is a bit chopped together, but this will be more apparent in the next build).
I assume that the changes you are referring to are the screen transitions (which are currently animated in-code, so "tweening") and replacing them with a sprite animation so that is confined to the grid?
Still learning a lot along the way, so if you can recommend any resources for this stuff I would like to read them :)
Thanks Spring, yeah it took a bit of tweaking to get comfortable screenshake values, I am thinking I will put a strength slider in the options or something so people have the choice :)
Loop de loops!!! - I had been wanting to add Sonic-like loops since beginning this project and they are finally in! Still need to tweak a few values but quite happy with how they have turned out.
Boss Fight Intro and some of the Battle - First boss is implemented and I am stoked with how it turned out. Cool patterns and very fun to fight. I have to thank FiveAsOne at opengameart for the incredible sprite work as it has been hugely helpful in directing the development of this project.
That's it for now! Alpha demo with 4 levels and the boss fight is coming soon^^TM ...
I will try to update more often, you can follow as always on twitter @CosmicCrystal_, on reddit at /r/gamemaker and /r/gamedev, or right here.
Good question. More of the protagonist's backstory will be fleshed out in the full game.
Haha, it is a difficult game as it takes quite a bit of influence from old-school platformers. The next stage of the demo will improve the difficulty balance substantially by adding in a tutorial section and multiple levels with a better overall learning curve.
In regards to story, it is coming. But as noted above, this is an early stage prototype intended to flesh out the core game mechanics.
Thanks for taking the time to download and provide feedback Spring, I really appreciate it! I would also like to say that I am a big fan of your music and hope to incorporate it in Galactagirl in some form.
Your latest tracks have been great Spring! Enjoyed them muchly. Currently art and music are pretty set in stone for the alpha demo build so no worries yet! But after it is released and I begin expanding the content of the game, I have your stuff bookmarked for inspiration and potential use! Hope that's cool :)
Alright, quick update for today:
Alpha Demo plans
Okay so as many of you may be aware I plan to develop Galactagirl to completion, the next step of which is releasing an "alpha demo" for the game so I have an opportunity to recieve valuable player feedback while working on it.
Planned features of the demo so far include:
- A tutorial and hub area for you to practice your moves and abilities
- Four distinct stages/levels
- A boss fight that is unlocked after beating the four stages/levels
- Some totally kickass openly sourced graphics and music
I'm hoping this demo will provide a good overall blueprint for early players of Galactagirl's moveset and controls, the structure of the game and player progress, and a variety of mechanics and their implementation. No specific release date as of yet but stay tuned at any of the dev links for updates on the game's progress.
Screenshot updates
UxasOmega / Cosmic Crystal Games
Thanks tiagor2! I'm actually not that familiar with this sort of graphics/art stuff as much and the only real restriction I have placed on it is to try and stick to a NES color pallette (demo is a bit chopped together, but this will be more apparent in the next build).
I assume that the changes you are referring to are the screen transitions (which are currently animated in-code, so "tweening") and replacing them with a sprite animation so that is confined to the grid?
Still learning a lot along the way, so if you can recommend any resources for this stuff I would like to read them :)
Thanks Spring, yeah it took a bit of tweaking to get comfortable screenshake values, I am thinking I will put a strength slider in the options or something so people have the choice :)
I have been very quiet with updates as of late due to being very busy with IRL stuff. But I have been making lots of silent progress on Galactagirl :)
Without further ado, some updates in GIF form!
That's it for now! Alpha demo with 4 levels and the boss fight is coming soon^^TM ...
I will try to update more often, you can follow as always on twitter @CosmicCrystal_, on reddit at /r/gamemaker and /r/gamedev, or right here.
Thanks for your feedback!
Thanks for taking the time to download and provide feedback Spring, I really appreciate it! I would also like to say that I am a big fan of your music and hope to incorporate it in Galactagirl in some form.
- uxas_omega / Cosmic Crystal Games