You need to check the licenses under which they have been uploaded. Some are free, some are free for non-commercial use, some are restricted. It is your responsibility to observe the terms of the license.
Something about this just tickled me, so I decided to break out sprites and create a game from it. It's going to be mobile. I'll let you know when it's ready.
Starred the project, m'friend. Looks cool!
You need to check the licenses under which they have been uploaded. Some are free, some are free for non-commercial use, some are restricted. It is your responsibility to observe the terms of the license.
Skab is amazing. We went from this:
to this:
In a one very short month of part-time coding. Get excited for the final result!
This'll come in handy for the 7DRL. Thanks for sharing!
Something about this just tickled me, so I decided to break out sprites and create a game from it. It's going to be mobile. I'll let you know when it's ready.
I like it a lot.
I was starting to work on something like this from scratch. Thanks!
Me too!
I made some edits to the main set that I'll be uploading soon.
Redshrike: Great CC-BY 2D artist, or GREATEST CC-BY 2D artist?
this is great, thanks for posting!