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Saturday, July 22, 2017 - 21:19


Your program is getting ambitious! :D


>Sign me up!! Sounds amazing! Is there a public link for the beta version or is it invite only?

Message me an e-mail address and I'll send you a link when the next test-version is ready.



>Is there a way to load/save add palettes in Grafx2? I couldn't see an obvious way to do it and googling around came up empty.  

Usually you would just load/save an image with the palette(s) you want. There is at least support for the .pal format (see Format droplist in Load/Save). My Toolbox have a bunch of preset palettes. I've also got a script that takes the current palette and creates a new palette-setting script. If you mean holding palettes available...there's only the main & spare-page palettes (the brushes also have their own colors that can be retrieved, but it's a little messy to work with).




Well, if you like, you could take a look at the current DB32+32 and see how it feels.


Wednesday, July 19, 2017 - 16:40


The indexed palette is in the analyzis, but I have now made it clearer and labelled.

Yes, 1.3 is latest (and ancient) offical version if the Toolbox. But if you're interested, you can beta-test v1.4. There's more than 100 new scripts and most old ones have been updated.

The GrafX2 LUA interface/GUI/input options are a bit limited (though I think it's planned to become more advanced in future versions). Although, it is, hypothetically possible to script your own interface, if one doesn't mind the busy-pointer showing while a script is running. However, I haven't seen much suggested in this thread that couldn't already be done in seconds with GrafX2 built-in features (I'm not trying to dissuade anyone from creating another tool, I just want ppl to be aware of the features of GrafX2).

Here are some things you can do with GrafX2:

* Move colors/ranges around in the palette with or without remapping image 

* Replace any color (index) with another (image is automatially remapped)

* Copy all or a selection of colors from Main-image to the Spare-image.

* Copy the palette from Main to Spare and have the Spare-image remapped

* Remap a brush with the current palette

F.ex let's say you wanna try variations on a 16-color sprite (index 0-15). Now grab the sprite as a brush. Copy the 16 colors to another place in the palette (maybe 16-31). Now change the original 16 colors to something unused, like full magenta. Now "Recolorize" the brush (it will remap to the perfectly fitting color-copy at 16-31). Now restore the original 16 colors and paste down the remapped brush. You now have two identical sprites, but with different/unique color-indexes. You can repeat this until all 256 colors are used. Now you can tweak the colors of the sprite-copies all you want and see the result/comparison in realtime on the same page. 

@Sharm: Ah, yeah. I remember your email. In fact, I was already dabbling with a 64-color expansion of DB32 at the time. I figured I would reply to you when it was finished...suffice to say it's not yet completed! :p 

Saturday, July 15, 2017 - 18:39


As Surt said; PJ is the closest thing those palettes has to a home. I've been thinking about setting up a page for my palettes...but that will have to (at least) wait until the Toolbox v1.4 is released...

Btw. This is what the latest version of the Analyzis-script produces:


Friday, July 7, 2017 - 14:39

As long as you're dealing with indexed 256 colors or less, GrafX2 can easily do all palette manipulations and remappings you can think of.