Your website appears to be down, so I hope you're still active. Have used your coin sounds extensively in my game and wanted you to know you had credit in the sounds section. It's Mesmer, on the iPhone App Store. Thanks!
I stumbled on that electric-sound-effects-library earlier this afternoon and did end up using the SpaceEngine_Start_00 effect, so good call on that one. It's been the only sound like that I've come accross so far.
Thanks for the additional links. I still need a few more sound effects and those will definitely help.
Your website appears to be down, so I hope you're still active. Have used your coin sounds extensively in my game and wanted you to know you had credit in the sounds section. It's Mesmer, on the iPhone App Store. Thanks!
Hi Medicine Storm, thanks for the reply.
I stumbled on that electric-sound-effects-library earlier this afternoon and did end up using the SpaceEngine_Start_00 effect, so good call on that one. It's been the only sound like that I've come accross so far.
Thanks for the additional links. I still need a few more sound effects and those will definitely help.