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Tuesday, August 15, 2017 - 12:25



Not at all what I was referring to, I figured the color distortion made it obvious that it was taken from a camera. (only photo I had access to at the moment, on my phone rn away from home) I was referring to the actual size of pixels, you can see some of the "buttons" on his shirt are different sizes. In the png file, however, those buttons are the exact same size.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 - 12:15


Around 28x13 pixels (not exact because I don't have access to my computer at the moment) if you're including the hat. The character himself is approx. 26x8. (arm/gun is an entirely different sprite so that it can be moved independently)

If you're noticing that some of the pixels look larger/smaller in the pic I posted, that's because the game camera  is not yet pixel perfect, causing some distortion. I plan to fix this later.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 - 11:10

Hey. I'm currently working on a 2D sidescrolling, multiplayer Sci-fi / space western shooter. All the art is done in pixel art.

Here's an example of a sprite I finished:

The technical side of the game is actually already finished. (match making, establishing connection to clients, shooting, dying, respawning, end game & disconnect, etc) Only thing keeping me from continuing is a lack of art. As a programmer, I'm a pretty subpar artist, so if you could help I'd be grateful! 

List of things that would be helpful:

  • A heavy class
  • Sniper/specialist class
  • A sprite for the opposing team that is easily differentiated from the other team. (maybe since I already made that "dry/desert themed" western guy, the opposing team would look cold and icey)
  • In game UI, such as health, ammo or objective markers (e.g. something at the top of the screen that would indicate which control points have been captured)
  • Space-age looking guns
  • Maps to play on, such as a space station, or maybe a desert/ice planet. If you choose to do this one, please keep in mind it's a shooter so there needs to be obstacles/cover/buildings or anything to make the map interesting.
  • Laser muzzle flash animations
  • Laser impact animations

I realize that is a huge list and I don't expect you to do all of them, (or even know if you want to do any) but if you want to help, any of the things listed above would be a huge help to me.  I got a question for you, too: would you like to be credited, and if so how should I credit you? A name + link to portfolio? Or is there something else I should link to in the credits? Let me know, thanks!