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Tuesday, December 12, 2017 - 06:16

In order: 



I'll modify the title of the post to ASSIGNED to create less confusion.

I'll follow up by email ;)

Tuesday, December 12, 2017 - 05:19

Nope... just waiting for you. I had people contacting me but I was already sold by your first animation.


- Melee attacks (like discussed before)

- Ranged attacks (same)

- Can you review the upward running animation ^^ being the only thing remaining from the first request I guess


and I'd like to ask for another animation as well if possible (we arrange the payment accordingly of course) which would be the death animation.
The doctor suit is some sort of shell of the being inside so I'd like to have a dying animation of like the guy inside disappearing and the suits just falling on place like if the interior just desappeared (again maybe I am describing it more complicated than it is). Ask me for clarifications if I am not clear enough ;)


I'll try to answer as soon as I can always but mind that during the day (GMT+1) I'm at work and expect my answers more in the afternoon/evening ;)

Friday, December 8, 2017 - 13:08

Just looking at your first try I'd like to wait ^_^

Thursday, December 7, 2017 - 15:12

Take your time for the rest. I see you are already on top of other commissions. But it's really something like I was expecting

Wednesday, December 6, 2017 - 16:01

My man !

Really great stuff man, already a base I can work on. 

Wednesday, December 6, 2017 - 15:49

Yep, way better. I am looking for now from the phone, but still way better. Consider the distance from the character and the "shockwave" with similar dimension and distance for each direction and we are good. 

Wednesday, December 6, 2017 - 15:26

This already looks great!

Some details i can manage by my self but would you mind making the slashing white bigger and more in front of the character? Even if it's disproportionated to the character. I still need  to have a hitbox contact to the enemy sprite. As a combo the third hit you can make it bigger then the previous too. But man you made in an hour something i have not managed to approach in a week.^^ 

The fluidity and is already top :D

Wednesday, December 6, 2017 - 13:37

Well I really didn't expected as much appreciation being a noob XD.

In fact the forward is the first one I made, the downward the last one, I guess I improved a bit. 

I should review the fwd one my self I guess when I have the time for *Sigh*

But I am still stuck for the animations attacks. I have lost one week of evenings without something I'd define acceptable. Hence why asking for help for more experienced people.

I'd retire the proposition on remake the existing sprites, but I'd still pay to make the attacks at an adjusted rate if strill interested

Wednesday, December 6, 2017 - 13:17

Hello again,

finally made to my computer at home. Just had the time to record these animations for rights and here you have them.

I took days to make them as I am really slow and I'd like to have a second eye on them, and like before, open to suggestions/improvements.



Wednesday, December 6, 2017 - 11:02

Oh concurrence is not a problem i am addressing. I just really like the 2d flat character with minimal/0 shading with really good animations and if it's the current trend.. well be it ^^. If I have been corrupted by this trend doesn't mean I am not open to suggestions to make it more unique :D

I think i am a little bit concerned about the colors as i am partially colorblind and wanted to have a second opinion on the overall. As said, I am open to suggestions anyway ;-) 
